从腰部以上可以看到一个人的青铜雕塑. A building is in the background.

Mathias Alten在GVSU校园的新雕塑,包括增强 reality feature

最近在皮尤中心安装的马蒂亚斯·奥尔滕的青铜雕塑 大急流城校区既纪念这位艺术家,也将提供一个 观众有机会通过增强现实了解更多博天堂官方网页 the person known as the Dean of Michigan painters.

新装置也是GVSU今年的场地 ArtPrize, which runs September 14 through October 1.

The piece by Grand Rapids-based sculptor J Brett Grill, 大约500磅,比真人稍大,站在 塞德曼商学院附近的弗农山步行街. One 选择那个地点的主要原因是靠近 德沃斯中心的乔治和芭芭拉·戈登画廊说 内森·凯姆勒,GVSU画廊和收藏主管.

A person unwraps a sculpture on a pedestal.
艺术家J布雷特·格里尔打开马蒂亚斯·奥尔滕的青铜雕塑 he created. The sculpture was recently installed.

这意味着人们可以快速穿过富尔顿街去看看 这些画廊,不管它们的灵感是来自雕塑本身还是 数字动画将在未来几周内推出. The 增强现实体验将通过移动应用程序提供 Art at GVSU, where the piece will come to life 用户将听到一个描绘Alten的声音介绍画廊.

那些访问数字增强的人也会看到 雕塑的头和脸动了动,首先听到说话的声音 一个人,向他解释奥尔顿和他的生活, Kemler said.

卡姆勒说,他希望这个雕塑能提高人们对这个问题的认识 GVSU博天堂官方网页Alten的资源-世界上最大的公共收藏 of the artists’ works. GVSU’s collection includes more than 130 绘画、奖学金和档案记录等照片,以及 entire artist Catalogue Raisonné. That breadth of 这些信息有助于人们了解生活在1871年至1871年的奥尔滕 1938, more fully.

“当你有这样的水平和深度时,会发生什么? 信息是你看到的个人在一个更 complete way," Kemler said. "You understand them as a person 谁住在我现在住的地方,谁也经历过 Pandemic,他也见证了科技的发展 around them changing. How did they respond to changes then? How am I responding to changes now?

"A lot of these are not new challenges. These are things 长期以来,人类一直在询问并参与其中."


Alten Catalogue raisonn的创始人兼经理也提供了帮助 卡姆勒说,他几年前就开始了这个雕塑项目. 已故的詹姆斯·斯特劳布(James Straub)认为大急流城的一座雕塑可以 纪念艺术家对该地区的影响,以GVSU为理想 鉴于该大学强大的Alten收藏.

斯特劳布找到奥尔滕的孙女安妮塔·吉列奥,提出了这个想法, which she supported. Eventually the project came to fruition with her funding support, Kemler said. Sadly, Gilleo passed away just weeks before the installation.

Kemler说Gilleo也是一个核心支持者和最初的资助者 增强现实功能是增加用户粘性的一种方式 sculpture. Though Gilleo didn't access such media herself, Kemler 她说,她对增强现实的可能性很好奇 presented for expanding the understanding of Alten. 

“安妮塔一生都在不知疲倦地保护 并讲述她祖父的故事,”凯姆勒补充道 她对增强Alten系列的方法有着敏锐的眼光,比如 当她认出来的时候,她把一些密歇根湖的沙滩画送给了GVSU the university didn't have those.

A person works with the base of a bronze sculpture. A foot is visible.
两个人把一个包裹好的青铜雕塑搬到一个高架基座上. The sculpture's leg is visible.
The base of a bronze sculpture has the words M Alten

此外,吉列还选择了奥尔滕的历史照片 创作这件作品的雕刻家格里尔说,这件作品的原型是.

“我很高兴能被邀请参与雕塑工作 Mathias Alten. I’m always energized by projects that memorialize cultural heroes," Grill said. "In our sculpture the wind 拉着奥尔顿的衣服,凝视着远处的地平线. He is 描绘了灵感迸发的瞬间,转向大河, which he is known to have painted."

Alten还经常使用Interurban, an electric railway. The last remnants of the tracks in West Michigan are commemorated in an informational exhibit that is near the new Alten sculpture; plans call for incorporating at a later 卡姆勒说,这是一次与铁路相结合的增强现实体验.

他在密歇根的许多风景画都可以追溯到 that rail line," Kemler said.

A bronze sculpture of a person is seen from the back. The sculpture has a bag hanging from one shoulder. Artist equipment is seen in the other hand.


Caroline Bell, art education major, "Stripped Autonomous Rights (Stripped)" at Harmony Brewing Company

Zachary Trebellas,视觉与媒体艺术客座教授 Department, along with artist Amber Bledsoe, "A Swan Song to the Kensington School Building" at SILVA

Mahsa Alafar,摄影客座教授和Michael Powell, a part-time faculty member in studio art - foundations, "Reclaiming the 'Orient' – Gereh-Chini" at SILVA

